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IT之家6 月14 日消息,谷歌公司于本周二(6 月11 日) 发布了Chrome 126 定版浏览器更新,重点修复了高危的内存安全漏洞。谷歌Chrome 126 浏览器更新共计修复21 项漏洞,其中18 项为外部研究人员报告。在外部人员报告的漏洞中,9 个被评为“高严重性”,2 个是Dawn 中的use-aft等我继续说。


I T zhi jia 6 yue 1 4 ri xiao xi , gu ge gong si yu ben zhou er ( 6 yue 1 1 ri ) fa bu le C h r o m e 1 2 6 ding ban liu lan qi geng xin , zhong dian xiu fu le gao wei de nei cun an quan lou dong 。 gu ge C h r o m e 1 2 6 liu lan qi geng xin gong ji xiu fu 2 1 xiang lou dong , qi zhong 1 8 xiang wei wai bu yan jiu ren yuan bao gao 。 zai wai bu ren yuan bao gao de lou dong zhong , 9 ge bei ping wei “ gao yan zhong xing ” , 2 ge shi D a w n zhong de u s e - a f t deng wo ji xu shuo 。

IT之家6 月11 日消息,Arm 公司昨日发布安全公告,提醒Bifrost 和Valhall GPU 内核驱动程序存在漏洞,且有相关证据表明已经有黑客利用该漏洞发起攻击。该漏洞追踪编号为CVE-2024-4610,是一个use-after-free(UAF)漏洞,影响从r34p0 到r40p0 的所有Bifrost 和Valhall 驱动程序版本。..


IT之家6 月1 日消息,美国网络安全与基础设施安全局(CISA)今天更新其已知漏洞(KEV)目录,要求联邦机构在2024 年6 月20 日之前打上补丁,修复追踪编号为CVE-2024-1086 的Linux 内核权限提升漏洞。CVE-2024-1086 是一个高危use-after-free 漏洞,于2024 年1 月31 日首次披露,存后面会介绍。

2023-07-05 11:32来源:央视网链接已复制字体:小大Video Player is loading.Loaded: 0%Stream Type LIVE1xChaptersdescriptions off, selectedcaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selected--:-- / --:--This is a modal window.Please use Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edg等会说。


2023-07-03 22:17来源:央视新闻客户端链接已复制字体:小大Video Player is loading.Loaded: 0%Stream Type LIVE1xChaptersdescriptions off, selectedcaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selected--:-- / --:--This is a modal window.Please use Chrome, Firefox, Saf还有呢?

Video Player is loading.Loaded: 0%Stream Type LIVE1xChaptersdescriptions off, selectedcaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selected--:-- / --:--This is a modal window.Please use Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge to play the videoBeginning of dialog window. Esca好了吧!

2023-07-03 20:39来源:央视新闻客户端链接已复制字体:小大Video Player is loading.Loaded: 0%Stream Type LIVE1xChaptersdescriptions off, selectedcaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selected--:-- / --:--This is a modal window.Please use Chrome, Firefox, Saf是什么。

Video Player is loading.Loaded: 0%Stream Type LIVE1xChaptersdescriptions off, selectedcaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selected--:-- / --:--This is a modal window.Please use Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge to play the videoBeginning of dialog window. Esca是什么。

2023-07-03 19:55来源:央视新闻客户端链接已复制字体:小大Video Player is loading.Loaded: 0%Stream Type LIVE1xChaptersdescriptions off, selectedcaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selected--:-- / --:--This is a modal window.Please use Chrome, Firefox, Saf后面会介绍。

